The Truth About Detox and Cleanses
Feeling a push toward some spring cleaning? Thinking about doing some kind of detox after the long, dark winter?
Getting serious about your health is great. But I want to talk to you about something first:
The purveyors of detox/cleanses will tell you you’re dirty. (You’re not.) They’ll tell you it’s a toxic world out there. (It is.) They’ll tell you you’ll get sick (maybe) and die (we all will) if you don’t do their complicated, trademarked/patented, expensive program. Over and over again.
The truth is that our bodies live to keep us healthy and return us to health in the face of this world of imbalances. And the keys to supporting the body (and mind and spirit) are mostly simple, inexpensive and close to hand.
I’m Dr. Orna Izakson, a licensed naturopathic doctor and registered herbalist. I want to help you navigate the hype.
Please join me at 6:30 p.m. AKDT (7:30pm Pacific) on Thursday, April 22 for a webinar covering the truth about detox and cleanses.
WHAT: Detox Demystified
WHEN: 6:30 p.m. AKDT Thursday, April 22
WHERE: On your computer or device
PRICE: $50
In Thursday’s webinar we’ll discuss the role of external and internal toxic stressors to human health, how the body deals with these, and strategies you can use at home to support the physiological tools Nature gave us.
Register here or by clicking the blue button below. And if you know folks who’d be interested, please connect us. I look forward to talking with you online!
—Dr. Orna
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