dude, where’s my coffee? true stories of plant foods + medicines in the climate crisis
How is the climate crisis changing not just landscapes, but fundamental sustenance sources such as...

how much is one serving of vegetables?
I was reading a nutrition article in the New York Times the other day, and it made the same...

how to eat kale (and its cousins) safely
There was a period of time when kale was everyone's favorite health food (whether or not they...

why I won’t eat farmed Atlantic salmon
In a recent blog post, I wrote about food sources of omega-3 fatty acids (and why I often...

this winter-squash dish is a dark-season delight
There’s an Indian-spiced winter squash dish that’s heavy in my rotation right now, and it’s making...

FREE Holistically Healthy Family Summit
I hope you'll join me Feb. 27-March 1 for the FREE Holistically Healthy Family Summit hosted by my...

climate-change conversations for medical professionals
If you're a naturopathic doctor, or just deeply geeky, please mark April 6 in your calendar for...

do you really need fish oil supplements?
When I prescribe fish oil supplements to my patients — for inflammation, skin, mood, joints, heart...

why I’m not a juicing fan
Short version: Because nature didn't make a mistake. Honestly, I think it’s a little bit shameful...

toasted squash seeds make a healthy winter treat
Squash season means squash-seed season! Roasting seeds of almost any squash is one of my favorite...

23 good things of 2023
Every night while getting ready for bed, I write out a list of three good things from the day....

product testing the soda stream
One of the fun new kitchen toys I got myself at the end of last year had been on my back burner...

sleep better tonight with this simple hack
One of the most critical, utterly non-negotiable requirements for good health is sufficient,...

what’s the best face mask?
Trying to find the best mask to prevent COVID infection (and colds, flus and other respiratory...

dr. orna’s food rules
Rule zero: There are no rules beyond those of physics: If you heat it too much, it will burn....

got jaw pain? try this simple trick
Jaw tension and pain are among the most common complaints I hear about in my medical practice....

healthy holiday gifts 2022
One cool thing about December of 2022 is the way so many of the season's holidays actually...

epic edible gift guide
Many years ago, I was visiting some family friends who'd just bought a new house. I wanted to...