Portlanders are a pretty food-savvy bunch. We know what to ask about the provenance of our food. We pay attention to ingredients, to gluten, to dairy, to grass-fed/free-range/high-omega-3/sustainability parameters (except when we just go for a donut.)
So it sometimes surprises me that folks who know what to eat often don’t know how to eat. And while great food matters, what’s the point if we don’t digest it well?
Here’s one key: When we’re under stress, our digestive system literally turns off. What a waste of good food!
Taking a moment before meals to get quiet, to give thanks, to offer a prayer, or whatever you prefer, literally helps you digest better. This ancient tradition has a scientific, physiological rationale!
My colleague Dr. Courtney Jackson lays it all out in this TEDx talk, and I highly encourage you to watch it.
Want to learn more? The Food as Medicine Institute in Portland (cofounded by Dr. Jackson) offers 12-week cooking and nutrition classes that I recommend to all my patients. It’s a great way to jump start health, and helps get me and my patients on the same page about basic concepts. Now available virtually!
And then, of course, there are appointments with me. We’ll discuss what does and doesn’t work for you specifically, and come up with ways to optimize your food choices and health.
Bon appetit!