I’m a big proponent of Nature as a therapeutic agent. It’s right there in my job title.
As much as I love nature — and prescribing it as Vitamin N — this isn’t just an emotional thing or a spiritual belief. The power of Nature exposure to heal humans physically, mentally and emotionally is a well described scientific phenomenon.
I recently talked with my colleague Dr. Kierstin DeWitt about Vitamin N on her podcast. The discussion is geared toward other medical professionals, but I believe it’s accessible enough that everyone can get the gist of it.
Want to learn more about the ways Nature heals — and how to dose up during lockdown? Click here or on the image below to get my free guide.
—Dr. Orna
P.S. Did you find the interview too technical — or just too long? Check out this one on my Instagram TV channel. Please give it a like, share with interested friends and consider following me there. All of those things help get the information to more people!
P.P.S. Want to dig deeper into this topic? Here’s a great roundup of the science from Environmental Health Perspectives.